Social Responsibility
As a family, AWs has always valued and supported its local communities not only with sponsorship but also with the expertise of staff and giving back to the community, both as volunteers, supporters, board members alike. Over the years, individuals within the company have started Dallow Business Partnership and worked with Luton Business Action Group working with local companies across Luton and Bedfordshire to help with local issues. AW Transport led campaigns like Kids and Trucks a road safety campaign, working with Luton road safety and Bedfordshire police to deliver road safety messages to over four hundred local school children. One of the directors went on to be awarded HRH Prince of Wales, Ambassador for the East of England, awarded in 2005 for work in the local community.
In the past we have worked with and supported local groups like Dallow Business Partnership, Luton BAG, BLEDP, Business in the Community, Relay for Life(CRUK), Stockwood Park Rugby Club, as well as working with the local council.
Currently we are supporting Sam Creasey, local Cage Warrior World Champion and our directors are actively involved with the Scout Association, BLEVEC, Beds and Camb’s 4×4 response. Recent collections at AW House have gone out to Ukraine supporting its citizens during the current situation.